Monday, August 4, 2008

thank you for being a friend

Picture it- Plymouth, 1990, one of many Saturday nights I spent babysitting and making sure the kids got put to bed before the Golden Girls came on. I still find it amazing how a show about four old ladies captured the interest of a generation of 13-year old girls.

To mourn the passing of Estelle Getty, my friend Nicole and I honored her memory over some cheesecake. She was a great actress who inspired the most excellent Halloween costume ever. That's me on the left. And to all of you reading my little blog, thank you for being a friend!

1 comment:

Annie Crowninshield said...

Liz and I call Chad, Pat, Ben and the Marblehead guy clan the Golden Girls. 1) because they are 2) because they too used to watch. What is it with that show that had our whole generation so enamored?

Oh, and long live Gil French and his casual interest in cats!

Great catching up at the wedding...